Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History

Today, I read pages 362-363 (about Josef Stalin) and 370-371 (Europe at War -- World War II). I also visited the
Josef Stalin was a Russian dictator who tried to make Russia more powerful. He had smallpox as a child and later, he normally had his photos retouched to hide his scars.
During The Blitz, London was bombed and there were lots of evacuees. Some of the children did not like the places they were evacuated to but some didn't mind. The children who did not like the places were very homesick.
Chemistry Matters
I did Chapter 1-2 of Chemistry Matters but I didn't finish it. I learned about purification, melting points and boiling points and some apparatus used to purify chemicals. I completed 14 problems from Worksheet 1 and Worksheet 2 of the Chemistry Matters Workbook.
Today, I did the Grandmother's Puzzle quilt. So far, I have finished 17 quilt patterns from the book.

Tomorrow is my birthday and my Mom baked an orange cake with chocolate icing and 5 chocolate cookies (Lu) on top.