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Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Typing Game

Quick! Type "Quick"! Oh,no, not fast enough! But it's alright, you'll get another try.

What I'm talking about is Z-type. Z-type is a game where you have to quickly type a word that is falling towards you. If the word hits you, you will die, and you have to start all over again. If you manage to type it, you still have to contend with another word.
You'd be surprised how difficult it gets, especially in the later levels.

You have three types of words:
Disc shape: Easiest level.
Rocket shape: Medium level.
Unclassified shape: Hard level.

Hope you have fun!


  1. Hi Dash. You write about interesting things :)

    I just HAD to try Z-type after reading this ... it was fun but I quickly realised my 6 finger scramble isn't very fast or accurate (32 wpm/ 90% accuracy). I guess I'll have to brush up on my touch typing skills. At least now I know a fun way to train!


  2. You're welcome, Vanessa!

    By the way, that's actually pretty good... Mine is around 23 wpm/ 99% accuracy.

  3. I quite liked your game but was only allowed to do it for 1 minuite. I didn't even survive the medium level!LOL!

    Juan Rajagopal
