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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Letters from Adrian: #1

Me meditating in my bed
Dear Dash,

Lately you and your mother have decided to make me a schedule. You of course have not consulted me, the sole person to feel the monumentous impact of this on my lifestyle. Therefore, I have spent long hours at work meditating in my bed to find the perfect schedule. Here it is:

10:00 AM: Wake up. Of course, this is not rigid, and will be changed to my needs.
10:15 AM: Eat. The DOG ( Diet Order Group) says the suggested amount for a dog my size and age is 5 bowls of chicken and lamb.
10:30 AM: Finish eating. Lie in sun. Also sleep.
11:00 AM: Come in. Get petting session.
11:30 AM: End of petting session. Jump in bed. Sit and stare mournfully at you for not getting more food and longer petting session.
12:00 PM: Go out.
12: 30 PM: Come in.
1:00 PM: Go out.
1:30 PM: Come in.
2:00 PM: Go out.
2:30 PM: Come in.
And so on until:
6: 30 PM: Clamor for walk.
7:00 PM: Go for walk.
7:00 PM - 7:40 PM: Happily mark territory and sniff every single little atom of object I can get to.
7: 40 PM: Come back home. Run around in the back yard, then collapse in bed and mournfully look at you and wonder whose idea the walk was anyway.
7:50 PM: Sleep.

Please take note and execute accordingly, and also realize the sacrifices I have to make for you. Yes, I almost starve and never get any love from you, but still I hang on faithfully. Woe is me.
